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Build AI Confidence: Workshops for Future-Ready Educators

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Presented by Joshua Durey,
Founder at SynthEdic.

Equip your team with the essential skills and insights to navigate and lead in an AI-enhanced learning environment. Our workshops are designed to deepen AI literacy, enhance data fluency, and inspire responsible innovation, all within a framework that values ethical engagement and creative collaboration. Prepare educators to not only guide students through the technical landscapes of tomorrow but to nurture critical thinkers and ethical innovators who will shape the future.

Workshop Formats

Experience Immersive AI Learning with In-Person Workshops


Our in-person workshops provide a dedicated environment for educators to dive deep into the world of Artificial Intelligence. These full-day sessions offer a blend of interactive presentations, hands-on activities, and collaborative discussions. Participants will explore AI fundamentals, brainstorm curriculum integration strategies, address ethical implications, and experiment with AI tools relevant to their classrooms.


Ideal for:


  • Educators seeking a focused, immersive learning environment.


  • Schools desiring hands-on exploration and problem-solving with AI concepts.


  • Teachers who benefit from real-time collaboration and networking with peers.


Our in-person workshops are designed to empower educators with the knowledge and strategies needed to confidently guide students in an AI-driven world.

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